A growing remnant of people are rising up in spiritual authority.
Spiritual bridges are being made while practical work among governmental ranks is established. Teaching to understand Kingdom principles and the significance of God's heart for Israel in the past, present, and future.
Behold Ministries has been impacting the nations since 2013.
• Pioneering a School for Jewish Studies in New Zealand
• Apostolic pioneering in the Mediterranean with national spiritual leaders. Extensive pioneering throughout North America, Spain/Portugal (Sefarad), Australia, Italy, Malta, Gibraltar, Cyprus, Greece, Israel, and New Zealand (the ends of the earth)
• Praising God through Hebrew Worship at the Vatican
• Ministry trips to Israel
• Deliverance ministry and equipping the church in setting captives free
• Global Advocacy for Israel and the protection and love of the Jewish People
The current vision is the release of a new sound through music and the arts that will help cultivate a new move of God and touch hearts to come together and rise up in faith. I will be leading worship at a convocation in Spain over Sukkot 2023 and a ministry tour of Jerusalem for American Christians longing to make a deeper connection with the Holy God of Israel and with His People.