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Behold Ministries fulfills the Great Commission taking Jesus at His word when He says we are to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, and share the "besorah" -the good news of the Kingdom of God.


Behold Ministries teaches about Israel’s role in God's plan. 


Upcoming events in the Northeast United States during the 2023 summer months. Send an email to receive updates.

Teaching in Bilbao, Spain

Teaching in Bilbao, Spain

Speaking in Sydney, Australia

Speaking in Sydney, Australia

Praying for Israel in Rome, Italy

Praying for Israel in Rome, Italy

Pioneering a school in New Zealand

Pioneering a school in New Zealand

Pioneering a school in New Zealand

Pioneering a school in New Zealand

Sharing at Knesset, Israel

Sharing at Knesset, Israel

Lauren Cunningham Founder of YWAM

Lauren Cunningham Founder of YWAM

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Give on the "Donate" page.


Or send check directly to ACT.

Make check payable to BEHOLD/ACT Intl

Mail check to: ACT Intl, PO Box 1649, Brentwood, TN 37024

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All Rights Reserved.

BEHOLD MINISTRIES is a department of ACT International.


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When He returns, may He find faith.
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