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“When I return, will I find faith on Earth?”

 — Luke 18:8 —

Everywhere you look are the negative effects caused by the spirit of fear unleashed on the world. But God, who holds His children in His protective and loving hands, desires them to run in supernatural faith through power and love.

Two harvests have been simultaneously maturing on Earth-- that of the Kingdom of light
and that of darkness. Jesus compares this to wheat and tares, teaching His followers to let them both grow together. Until they mature, they are difficult to distinguish. But when they are ready for harvest, wheat has a white kernel on top with a stalk that bows over while tares have a black kernel and an unbending stalk.


We are seeing the maturing of both harvests right now all over the globe. Be encouraged, for even though darkness seems like a thick fog, the Kingdom of God is expanding rapidly, through the maturing of God's children in the authority bequested them, through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and through the expansion of believers partnering with God's Kingdom to push back the gates of hell which will not prevail.

“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life.” (Revelation 22:12-21)

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!”

He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.”

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

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