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"Behold, how good it is for brothers to dwell together in unity."

— Psalm 133:1 —

Of all the places on Earth, Israel is the one place the Lord Himself continually keeps watch over. Israel is mentioned 3,000 times in the Bible. How many other nations get that much specific attention? Israel IS special to God. And it should be special to Christians.


God is a promise-keeping God. And He keeps His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Exodus 2:24). He established His covenant with the Jewish People when He met with Moses on the mountain in the desert and gave a ketubah of His vow to be their God and they His people. He led them into the land He promised, that land flowing with milk and honey where His Presence would dwell on earth and where His beloved son would rend the veil of separation that sin introduced.

“The stone the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone."

Matthew 21:42, Mark 12:10, Luke 20:17, Psalm 118:22, Acts 4:11, 1 Peter 2:7

Christians coming together with God's unfolding story to the Jewish people, and subsequently the nations of Earth, is an olive branch extended in love toward God and to His firstborn.


Paul writes in Romans 9:4, “To the Israelites are the adoption to sonship, the divine glory, the covenants, the law, temple worship, and the promises. Theirs are the patriarchs and from them is traced the ancestry of the Messiah, who is God overall.” 

And, as the Psalms declare, "How good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity."

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